Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Bella" To Start Showing At Theatres In Toledo And Columbus November 9th and 16th!

Pro-lifers can go to the movie theater and see a miracle: a film that embraces the sanctity of human life. "Bella", winner of the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival's "People's Choice Award," opened October 26th in 31 markets nationwide. It is the story of a Mexican soccer star, Jose (played by Eduardo Verastegui), who endures tragedy and later works quietly as a chef in a New York restaurant. There he meets Nina (Emmy Award-winning actress Tammy Blanchard), a waitress who is fired just as she learns she is pregnant and is considering abortion. "In one irreversible moment, a simple act of kindness brings them together and turns an ordinary day into an unforgettable experience," according to the film's production notes. "Before the day is through, Jose must confront his own haunting past to show Nina how the healing power of love can help her embrace the future. Inspired by true events, "Bella" is a heartwarming story about friendship, family and our capacity for love in the face of the unexpected."

While the film had only a limited release on October 26, a successful initial run will now bring it to a wider audience. In Ohio, initially only theatres in Cleveland were showing the movie. Now after its successful initial run, theatres in Columbus and Toledo have been added for the weekends of November 9th and 16th. Find a theatre near you by going to the "Bella" movie website at: http://www.bellathemovie.com/

Ohio Right to Life Staff and Board members have seen this movie and were deeply moved by the profound "respect life" message. We strongly encourage you to go see this amazing and powerful movie and request that you encourage others to go see it as well.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Take a On-Line Course in How to Be a PRO-LIFE Spokesperson!!


American Citizen’s Academy Home

Welcome to the American Citizens Academy, where you can get answers to many of the questions facing today’s citizens. In the comfort of your own home, at a time convenient for you, and at the cost of $1.00, you can learn:

WHO represents you in the halls of government

HOW to contact and speak effectively with your elected officials

WHAT the process is for a bill to become a law

WHY our society is being re-shaped before our very eyes

Check out our Resources and download the 15 minute mini-courses that will help you the most.

We also want to learn from you. Join our weekly discussion blogs and share your own insights.

FAMILY MATTERS – where we can share our triumphs and challenges as
parents in the 21st century

THE HOME AND THE STATE – where we can examine and analyze the on-
going battle over the central unit of our society

Become a Life Leader! - Register at National Right to Life Committee


As a Life Leader you will be asked to do some simple tasks like making phone calls and recruiting more volunteers. If you have the ability to speak on the phone while working at your computer than you can be a Life Leader!

Working from your home computer you will receive a contact one at a time with an easy to follow script. Simply pick up the phone, call the number on the screen and follow the script provided to you. Mark the responses and hit submit. Then you're automatically on to the next call! It is that easy, but it will only be effective if Life Leaders like you are willing to take a little time out of their week to make the calls.

In order to accomplish our goal of protecting innocent human life in the United States, we need to identify every Americans position on life issues, and then we need to ask them to support our cause. That is why making phone calls is so important, and why recruiting other volunteers is essential, because our success in the pro-life movement depends on identifying, educating, motivating, and activating every pro-life American to defend life.

You will have plenty of time to complete each task, and every task can easily be done through your home computer with internet access at your own pace.

Life Leaders is easy, it is fun, and more than anything it is effective!

The success or failure of the pro-life cause could depend on our Life Leaders. If we are to succeed we need you!

So please, take the time to volunteer, it is one of the greatest contributions you can make to our important cause.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Ohio Right to Life Update
Friday, November 02, 2007
President Tracie Johnson

H.B. 314, the Ultrasound Viewing Option Bill, is scheduled for a possible vote in the Ohio House Health Committee on Wednesday, November 7. H.B. 314, which is sponsored by Rep. Shannon Jones (R, Springboro), would require that, if an ultrasound examination is performed prior to or during an abortion, the abortionist must give the woman an opportunity to view the active ultrasound image of the unborn child and an opportunity to receive a physical picture of the ultrasound image.

If your State Representative is one of the members of the House Health Committee listed below, please contact your Representative and urge him or her to vote for H.B. 314, the Ultrasound Viewing Option Bill. You can tell your representative that, just as patients are often shown x-rays before surgery, ultrasounds provide scientifically accurate information that women should have an opportunity to view in order to make a more informed decision about abortion.

Members of the Health Committee are:
John White (R, Kettering) Chair district38@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-6504
Barbara Boyd (D, Cleveland Heights) district09@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-5079
Edna Brown (D, Toledo) district48@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-1401
Michael DeBose (D, Cleveland) district12@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-1408
Lorraine Fende (D, Willowick) district62@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-7251
Bruce Goodwin (R, Defiance) district74@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-5091
Robert Hagan (D, Youngstown) district60@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-9435
Jay Hottinger (R, Newark) district71@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-1482
Matt Huffman (R, Lima) district04@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-9624
Shannon Jones (R, Springboro) district67@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-6027
Tom Letson (D, Warren) district64@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-5358
Robert Mecklenborg (R, Cincinnati) district30@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-8258
Scott Oelslager (R, North Canton) district51@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 752-2438
Robert Otterman (D, Akron) district45@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-6037
Jim Raussen (R, Springdale) district28@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-8120
Chris Redfern (D, Catawba Island) district80@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-6011
Carol-Ann Schindel (R, Leroy Twp.) district63@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-6074
Fred Strahorn (D, Dayton) district40@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-2960
Joe Uecker (R, Miami Twp.) district66@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-8134
Lynn Wachtmann (R, Napoleon) district75@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-3760
Shawn Webster (R, Hamilton) district53@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-5094
Brian Williams (D, Akron) district41@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 644-5085
Kenny Yuko (D, Richmond Heights) district07@ohr.state.oh.us (614) 466-8012

SUPPORT Ohio Right to LifeClick here to make a secure online donation

Ohio Right to Life665 East Dublin-Granville Rd.Suite 200Columbus OH 43229 Telephone: (614) 547-0099Fax: (614) 547-0096 www.ohiolife.org

Ohio Sees a 12.1% Decrease in Abortions Since 1998!

Ohio Right to Life Update
Friday, November 02, 2007
President Tracie Johnson

The Ohio Department of Health has just released the â?oOhio Induced Abortions in Ohioâ? report for 2006. Ohio Right to Life continues to have an impact on lowering the numbers of abortions. Since 1998 when Ohio Right to Life introduced their new strategy to reduce the numbers of abortions in Ohio, induced abortions have decreased by 12.1% (3.5% from 2005)! Although we have experienced great success, there is still much work to do in order to end all abortions in Ohio.

Ohio Right to Life is currently analyzing the information contained in the report in order to compare and contrast historical trends. Ohio Right to Life is also awaiting further zip code information from the Ohio Department of Health. The final analysis will be released in a later emailing. The entire report is now available on the Ohio Right to Life website at: http://www.ohiolife.org/resources/Documents/2006_DOH_Abortion_Report.pdf